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8 Gripes of Gifted Kids

January 29, 2012

How can you initiate a discussion about what it means to be gifted?   By using one of Jim Delisle’s techniques.  Jim surveyed 2000 gifted students to find out what they didn’t like about being gifted, then summarized the findings into the Eight Great Gripes of Gifted Kids.  Now he uses that list with other gifted students in a 5 step process.   He hands out the list, then:

  • Asks them to circle the ones that affect them.
  • Has them cross out gripes that are not an issue for them.
  • Tells them to turn over the page and write a few sentences about the ones they circled.
  • Has the kids pair up and discuss which ones they agreed and disagreed on.
  • Pulls the whole group together to discuss the list.

Eight Great Gripes of Gifted Kids
from When Gifted Kids Don’t Have All the Answers
Pages 155 & 156

1. No one explains what being gifted is all about – it’s kept a big secret.
2. School is too easy and too boring.
3. Parents, teachers and/or friends expect us to be perfect all the time.
4. Friends who really understand us are few and far between.
5. Kids often tease us about being smart.
6. We feel overwhelmed by the number of things we can do in life.
7. We feel different and alienated.
8. We worry about world problems and feel helpless to do anything about them.

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