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Our Mission

To support gifted and talented (GT) students in the Gallatin Valley and beyond
By providing resources, information & learning opportunities to their parents, teachers & administrators and

By advocating for our children and teaching them to advocate for themselves.

Membership is open to anyone who supports that mission, including parents, educators and students whether they are involved in public, private or home schools.

We Believe…

  • Gifted kids are gifted 24 hours a day, hence they need to have curriculum that challenges them throughout the school day, not just in a pullout program.  They also benefit socially and emotionally by being with their intellectual peers.  Therefore, we support clustering or ability grouping in elementary schools and GT classes in middle and high school.
  • Every student deserves to learn a year’s worth of material each year, including the gifted student who may start the school year already knowing 80% of the material for his or her grade level.  To ensure every child learns, “annual yearly progress” should be measured on the per-child level.
  • The gifted curriculum needs to have specific, measurable goals. To that end, we support adoption of the goal of preparing all elementary gifted kids to take either Algebra I or Geometry in middle school.